
Westwind Shopping complex

A mall may be a modern, chiefly North American, term for a sort of shopping mall or shopping mall during which one or more buildings form a posh of outlets with interconnecting walkways, usually indoors. In 2017, shopping malls accounted for 8% of retailing space within the us .

A shopping arcade may be a sort of shopping mall that developed earlier and during which the connecting walkways aren’t owned by one proprietor and should be within the outdoors or covered by a ground-floor loggia. Many early shopping arcades like the Burlington Arcade in London, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan, and various arcades in Paris are famous and still trading. However, many smaller arcades are demolished, replaced with large centers or malls, often accessible primarily by vehicle.

Technical innovations like electric lighting and escalators were introduced from the late 19th century. From the late 20th century, entertainment venues like movie theaters and restaurants began to be added. As one built structure, early shopping centers were often architecturally significant constructions, enabling wealthier patrons to shop for goods in spaces shielded from the weather.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Security Measures do you have in place?
We have trained G4S security members for ensuring the safety and security of our clients. We also have CCTV cameras around the mall
Do you have first aid ?
Yes, we have trained medical staff for first aid in case of any medical situation.
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